Investor Relations Office
Martifer Group believes that the communication with its stakeholders is essential to the development of its activities.
The Investor Relations & Communication Office guarantees the on time disclosure of all the information related to the Group and is delighted to clarify any issues, so do not hesitate to contact us in person.
Martifer has a two-week period prior to the disclosure of results, in which it is restricted from communicating with analysts, investors and journalists.
Representative for Market Relations
Pedro Nuno Cardoso Abreu Moreira
Martifer Group believes that the communication with its stakeholders is essential to the development of its activities.
The Investor Relations & Communication Office guarantees the on time disclosure of all the information related to the Group and is delighted to clarify any issues, so do not hesitate to contact us in person.
Martifer has a two-week period prior to the disclosure of results, in which it is restricted from communicating with analysts, investors and journalists.
Representative for Market Relations
Pedro Nuno Cardoso Abreu Moreira

The role of the Investor Relations Office
The Investor Relations Office aims to ensure access to information by creating the appropriate means for this purpose, being careful to ensure compliance with all rules.