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General Meetings

The General Meeting is the corporate body that includes all the shareholders, and it is responsible for resolving various issues of the Company.

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Annual General Meeting 2024

Annual General Meeting 2024

23 May 2024, at 3 pm, Oliveira de Frades

Agenda and proposals

Regarding item 1 of the agenda
To resolve on the integrated management report, financial balance and individual and consolidated accounts as well as the remaining reporting documents of the Company for the year 2023, including the corporate governance report (with the remuneration report) and the sustainability report (with the consolidated non-financial information), together with the accounts legal certification documents and the report and opinion of the Audit Board
1 Document
Regarding item 2 of the agenda
To resolve upon the proposal of allocation of the 2023 year-end results
1 Document
Regarding item 3 of the agenda
To carry out the general appraisal of the management and supervision of the Company
1 Document
Regarding item 4 of the agenda
To resolve upon the amendment of the no. 1 of article 9 and no. 1 of article 13 of the company’s Articles of Association
1 Document
Regarding item 5 of the agenda
To resolve upon the election of the Board of the Shareholders’ General Meeting for the three-year period 2024-2026
1 Document
Regarding item 6 of the agenda
To resolve upon the election of the Board of Directors for the three-year period 2024-2026
1 Document
Regarding item 7 of the agenda
To resolve upon, in accordance with the provisions of number eleven of article eight of the Articles of Association, on setting the amount of guarantee the members of the Board of Directors elected under Item Six of this Agenda have to provide
1 Document
Regarding item 8 of the agenda
To resolve upon the election of the Audit Board for the three-year period 2024-2026
1 Document
Regarding item 9 of the agenda
To resolve upon the election of the Statutory Auditor or Statutory Auditors Firm for the three-year period 2024-2026)
1 Document
Regarding item 10 of the agenda
To resolve upon the election of the Remunerations Setting Committee for the three-year period 2024-2026
1 Document
Regarding item 11 of the agenda
Discuss and decide on the acquisition and disposal by the Company of own shares, as well as mandating the Board of Directors to execute the decisions taken under this point of the Agenda
1 Document

Agenda and proposals

Regarding item 1 of the agenda
To resolve on the integrated management report, financial balance and individual and consolidated accounts as well as the remaining reporting documents of the Company for the year 2022, including the corporate governance report (with the remuneration report) and the sustainability report (with the consolidated non-financial information), together with the accounts legal certification documents and the report and opinion of the Audit Board
1 Document
Regarding item 2 of the agenda
To resolve upon the proposal of allocation of the 2022 year-end results
1 Document
Regarding item 3 of the agenda
To carry out the general appraisal of the management and supervision of the Company
1 Document
Regarding item 4 of the agenda
Discuss and decide on the acquisition and disposal by the Company of own shares, as well as mandating the Board of Directors to execute the decisions taken under this point of the Agenda
1 Document

Agenda and proposals

Regarding item 1 of the agenda
To resolve on the integrated management report, financial balance and individual and consolidated accounts as well as the remaining reporting documents of the Company for the year 2021, including the corporate governance report (with the remuneration report) and the sustainability report (with the consolidated non-financial information), together with the accounts legal certification documents and the report and opinion of the Audit Board
1 Document
Regarding item 2 of the agenda
To resolve upon the proposal of allocation of the 2021 year-end results
1 Document
Regarding item 3 of the agenda
To carry out the general appraisal of the management and supervision of the Company
1 Document
Regarding item 4 of the agenda
To resolve upon the election of the Statutory Auditor or Statutory Auditors Firm for the two-year period 2022-2023
1 Document
Regarding item 6 of the agenda
Discuss and decide on the authorization to be granted by the Company's Shareholders’ General Meeting for the issue of one or more bond loans, in euros or another currency, up to a total amount of € 40,000,000.00 (forty million euros)
1 Document
Regarding item 7 of the agenda
Discuss and decide, pursuant to the law and the Articles of Association, on the authorization to be granted to the Board of Directors for, within the scope of the resolution to be taken in relation to the previous Item of this Agenda, to issue bonds, which may be made partially in one or more series, in euros or in another currency
1 Document

Annual General Meeting 2021

21 May 2021, at 3 pm, Oliveira de Frades

Agenda and proposals

Regarding item 1 of the agenda
To resolve on the integrated management report, financial balance and individual and consolidated accounts as well as the remaining reporting documents of the Company for the year 2020, including the corporate governance report and the sustainability report (with the consolidated non-financial information), together with the accounts legal certification documents and the report and opinion of the Audit Board
1 Document
Regarding item 2 of the agenda
To resolve upon the proposal of allocation of the 2020 year-end results
1 Document
Regarding item 3 of the agenda
To carry out the general appraisal of the management and supervision of the Company
1 Document
Regarding item 4 of the agenda
To resolve upon the proposal regarding the remuneration policy for management and supervisory bodies, as well as the members of the Board of the Annual General Meeting, submitted by the Remunerations Setting Committee
1 Document
Regarding item 5 of the agenda
To resolve upon the election of the Board of the Shareholders’ General Meeting for the three-year period 2021-2023
1 Document
Regarding item 6 of the agenda
To resolve upon the election of the Board of Directors for the three-year period 2021-2023
1 Document
Regarding item 7 of the agenda
To resolve upon, in accordance with the provisions of number eleven of article eight of the Articles of Association, on setting the amount of guarantee the members of the Board of Directors elected under Item Six of this Agenda have to provide
1 Document
Regarding item 8 of the agenda
To resolve upon the election of the Audit Board for the three-year period 2021-2023
1 Document
Regarding item 9 of the agenda
To resolve upon the election of the Remunerations Setting Committee for the three-year period 2021-2023)
1 Document
Regarding item 10 of the agenda
To resolve upon the granting of authorisation to the Board of Directors for the acquisition and sale of treasury shares
1 Document

Agenda and proposals

Regarding item 1 of the agenda
To resolve on the sole management report including the non-financial information, financial balance and on the individual and consolidated accounts of the Company for the year 2019, including the corporate governance report, together with the accounts legal certification documents and the report and opinion of the Audit Board
Regarding item 2 of the agenda
To resolve upon the proposal of allocation of year-end results
Regarding item 3 of the agenda
To carry out the general appraisal of the management and supervision of the company
Regarding item 4 of the agenda
To resolve upon the election of the Statutory Auditor or Statutory Auditors Firm for the two year period 2020-2021
Annexe for Item 4
Annexe for Item 4
Regarding item 5 of the agenda
To resolve upon the declaration of the Remuneration Setting Commission and the Board of Directors, regarding the management and supervisory bodies, as well as other officers, remuneration policies within the meaning of Article 248º-B, n.º 3 of the Portuguese Securities and Market Code
Annexe for Item 5
Statement of the Remuneration Committee regarding the remuneration policy of the management and supervisory bodies
Regarding item 6 of the agenda
To resolve upon the acquisition and disposal of own shares
Regarding item 7 of the agenda
To resolve on how to offset of accumulated losses to date up to the amount of € 27,351,102.25 (twenty-seven million three hundred and fifty one thousand one hundred and two euros and twenty five cents)

Extraordinary General Meeting

18 Dec 2019, at 3 pm, Oliveira de Frades

Represented Capital

% Represented Capital
Of which 80.39% are entitled to vote
Number of Shares
Represented by 3 Institutional Shareholders + 2 Private Shareholders

Agenda and proposals

Regarding item one of the agenda
To resolve on the realization by the shareholders I'M - SGPS, SA and MOTA-ENGIL - SGPS, SA Sociedade Aberta, willingly perform supplementary capital contributions subject to the supplementary contributions regime up to a total amount of forty million euros (€ 40,000,000.00)
1 Document
Regarding item two of the agenda
To resolve on the offset of negative retained earnings in the amount of € 19,196,723.29 (nineteen million one hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-three euros and twenty-nine cents)
1 Document

Represented Capital

% Capital Representado
Dos quais 80,16% direito a voto
Número de ações
Representadas por 3 Acionistas Institucionais + 
2 Acionistas Particulares

Agenda and proposals

Regarding item 1 of the agenda
To resolve on the sole management report including the non-financial information, financial balance and on the individual and consolidated accounts of the Company for the year 2018, including the corporate governance report, together with the accounts legal certification documents and the report and opinion of the Audit Board.
Regarding item 2 of the agenda
To resolve upon the proposal of allocation of year-end results.
Regarding item 3 of the agenda
To resolve upon the proposal of allocation of year-end results.
Regarding item 4 of the agenda
To resolve upon the declaration of the Remuneration Setting Commission and the Board of Directors, regarding the management and supervisory bodies, as well as other officers, remuneration policies according to the provisions of Article no. 248-B, no. 3 of the Portuguese Securities Code.
Annexe for Item 4
Statement of the Remuneration Committee regarding the remuneration policy of the management and supervisory bodies
Regarding item 5 of the agenda
To resolve upon the acquisition and disposal of own shares.
earnings release

Download the 2023 Earnings Presentation here.

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. 6.4 MB
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